Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Literature Circles- Week 1- Discussion Director

This week I am the discussion director. Here are my five questions for discussion.


1. What are your feelings towards Lennie up to this part of the book and what do you think will happen to him in the next couple of chapters?
2. If you were George, how would you treat Lennie in terms of his mental capability?
3. What is Curley's significance in George and Lennie's life?
4. Do you think Lennie's hiding place in the brush will be used? Why or why not?
5. How does the boss portray himself to the workers?


1. I feel that Lennie is holding back George from getting far in life. George has to always babysit Lennie because of his inability to comprehend the meaning of his orders. George needs to explain everything twice to Lennie so it will sink into his head. “When we get the coupla acres I can let you tend the rabbits all right. ‘Specially if you remember as good as that.” (15) This quote illustrates to us how George needs to care of Lennie. George needs to motivate Lennie for him to remember all the information. George could be very successful if Lennie wasn’t with him. Up to this point in the book George seems smart because of h ability to take care of Lennie. I think Lennie will have a problem with George because of how he is treated. I think this will be the main problem in the story because there is a lot of tension building up in the first couple chapters.
2. If I was George, I would take care of Lennie by letting him keep the animals he finds as pets. This would occupy Lennie and George could attend to the important works such as getting a job. I would try to encourage and motivate George to accomplish small tasks. “somebody’d shoot you for a coyote if you was by yourself.” (13) This quote shows George’s negativity towards Lennie and his feelings. Lennie will not respect George if he doesn’t keep him motivated. George should treat Lennie with respect if he wants him to be productive in his work.
3. Curley’s significance to the story is to create an obstacle for George and Lennie to overcome. There needs to an encounter for them as they work on the farm. Up to this part of the book Curley begins to become more of an important character. The other people working on the ranch have their own views of him and each presents a new perspective. Once Curley enters the room and talks to George and Lennie there is some indication of what might happen. Curley begins to start a fight with Lennie giving the readers the idea they might have an encounter. Curley’s personality associates him with the term the “bad guy”.
4. I think Lennie’s hiding spot in the brush will be used because there will be a problem where George and Lennie need to leave the ranch. I think Lennie will do something to upset the workers on the ranch and will need to run away. George will not be near Lennie at the time and when he receives the news will run towards the hiding spot. The mentioning of the brush gives the readers the image that the hiding spot is important. The readers will not have forgotten about this event but it will just be lingering in their thoughts. If Lennie goes to the brush there will be a distinct connection of the events in the story.
5. The boss portrays himself as a cruel person to his workers. He shows this by getting very upset with George and Lennie for showing up late for work. He acts very strict resulting in the workers obeying and working properly. It seemed to work on George because he got worried that if he didn’t listen then he would be fired. He keeps the workers on their toes by telling them that he is watching what they do. George isn’t afraid of the boss and talks confidently to him resulting in the boss keeping his eye on them. The boss portrays himself as a mean amn so others will do their work properly.

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