Saturday, February 7, 2009

Journal Response 1


1. Describe the setting in the novel – Time, Place and Circumstance. Please use quotations to support your answer.
2. Which characters have you been introduced to so far? What are they like? Is there any conflict between characters?
3. Find a quotation that helps describe each of the characters you have been introduced to.


1. In the first two chapters of the novel Of Mice and Men there are two settings. The book starts with Lennie and George walking near the Gabilan Mountains. They are in the countryside walking on open land for miles. There is a river near the path they are walking on and a small forest. George and Lennie use the river to drink from and the forest to gather firewood. “On the valley side the water is lined with trees.” (1) This quote shows how Lennie and George use their surroundings to survive as they walk towards the ranch where they are going to work. The second setting in the novel is the ranch. The ranch contained a bunkhouse where the workers sleep. The building was in poor condition and contained 8 bunks. Each room had only a few items including a table and a box for personal belongings. Overall, the ranch was big with a stable and many fields with grain. “The walls were whitewashed and the floor unpainted” This quote is a description of the living conditions for Lennie and George. Based on the language and the setting of the story the time period for the book is in the 1930’s. There is a lot of racist words used in the chapters to indicate the setting is when racism was an active part of peoples life. The circumstance in the story is George and Lennie are walking towards a ranch to find a job. When they arrive at the ranch they meet some of people working there. Immediately they make some friends and enemies based on their personality.
2. The two main characters we were introduced to in the first two chapters are Lennie and George. Lennie is mentally challenged and has trouble understanding orders and remembering knowledge. Since he is disabled he makes bad decisions which get them both into trouble. George is a much smarter person than Lennie and is able to get them out of tough situations. He knows how to deal with Lennie in some situations but sometimes acts wrong. George uses his intelligence to get them both jobs and his cleverness allows them to keep the job. At the ranch we are introduced to a few characters. The first character who appears at the ranch is the old swamper. He seems like a nice person by escorting in George and Lennie even though they were late. He tells them about some of the people and things on the ranch including the boss. The boss is the next character we are presented with in the novel. We learn from the old swamper that the boss can be a nice guy by giving the workers a gallon of whisky for Christmas. The boss can also get mad when people disobey him. He gets upset with George and Lennie when they arrive late for work. Curley is the next character in the novel. He acts very rude to George and Lennie because of his ego. He was just married a couple weeks ago so he acts very tough. He tries to pick a fight with Lennie because he doesn’t like tall people. Curley’s wife is very flirtatious and happy. Lennie likes her but George isn’t fond of her. Curley’s wife also asks Slim where her husband is. Slim is a nice man and introduces himself well to George and Lennie. He’s very polite and tries to get to know them by asking questions without hurting their feelings. Slim also killed four dogs and he has five left. Carlson is the last character we are introduced to in the second chapter. He enters the room and talks to Slim about the dogs. Carlson tells George and Lennie about what he heard from Curley. He made Lennie even more scared of Curley.
3. A quote to describe Lennie is “Lennie dipped his whole head under, hat and all.” (3) This quote shows how Lennie isn’t able to think about decisions to make. He drinks water from a river without knowing what’s in it. George later tells him he shouldn’t drink from water that’s not moving. A quote to describe George is ““I ain’t saying he’s bright. He ain’t. But I say he’s a God damn good worker.”” (22) This quote said by George is an example of how thinks intelligently to get them out of situations. He tells the boss that Lennie isn’t smart but he can do good work. George knows what the boss is looking for and that’s a good worker. He keeps enforcing the point that he can do good work for the boss to believe him. A quote to describe the old swamper is “The boss was expectin’ you last night. You can have them two beds there.” (18) The old swamper is a kind man and this quote is an example of how even though George and Lennie were late he still let them come in. He could have easily turned them down and got new workers. A quote to describe the boss is ““Gets pretty mad sometimes, but he’s pretty nice.”” (20) The old swamper told George and Lennie this quote about how the boss is. He has two sides; nice and mean. When he meets George and Lennie he is mean because they have showed up late for work. A quote to describe Curley is ““He hates big guys. He’s alla time picking scraps with the big guys.”” (26) The old swamper knows a lot about the people on the ranch especially Curley. He describes Curley as always on top in whatever he does. Since he likes to pick fights it seems that Lennie and Curley are going to fight later on in the book. A quote to describe Curley’s wife is “Lennie’s eyes moved down over her body.” (31) Curley’s wife seems to be attractive from other character’s reaction including Lennie’s. Most of the characters we meet dislike her because she is married to Curley. A quote to describe Slim is ““Hope you get on my team.”” (34) Slim portrays himself as a nice person by trying to encourage them to be with him.

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