Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Literature Circles Week 4- Discussion Director

This week I am the Discussion Director.


1. How was Lennie killing Curley’s wife foreshadowed through the previous events?
2. What do you think George was thinking of when he found that Curley’s wife was killed?
3. If you were Lennie what would you do if you accidently murdered someone?
4. Do you feel any sympathy for Lennie because of his actions?
5. Did the killing of Curley’s wife change your opinion of Lennie? Why?


1. Lennie killing Curley’s wife was foreshadowed through his displays of strength. Previously he was able to injure Curley proving his ability to inflict pain. Curley is a strong man so for Lennie to beat him up is an accomplishment. We have already learned that Lennie is strong because when he pets the mice he sometimes kills them. Steinback emphasizing this point through Curley shows that there might some foreshadowing. “Curley was white and shrunken by now. He stood crying, his fist lost in Lennie’s paw.” (63-64) This quote describing Curley shows how he lost his fight to Lennie.

2. When George found out that Curley’s wife was killed I think he was thinking about Lennie. He probably knew that Lennie killed her. George would try to find Lennie and see if he is safe. There would be no doubt in his mind that Lennie killed her because accidents like this happen to him. George would be furious with Lennie because they would have to leave the ranch and get a new job.

3. If was Lennie and had accidently murdered someone I would hide the body and run away. Since Lennie is mentally challenged and he just ran away without do anything with the body. Since the book is set in the 1930’s there isn’t much technology to catch the murderer. I would also tell George because they both would need to run away. If Lennie stayed at the ranch he would be killed by the others.

4. I feel a little bit of sympathy for Lennie because he is mentally challenged. He didn’t know what to do in that situation and just held on to her hair. Lennie didn’t mean to kill her so I wouldn’t be that mad at him to kill him. I would be upset with him because he killed someone and disobeyed George’s orders to stay away from her. There needs to be some sympathy for Lennie because it was an accident.

5. The killing of Curley’s wife changed my opinion of Lennie because I don’t feel that much sympathy for him anymore. Before I felt sorry for him because he’s challenged. Now since he killed someone because he disobeyed George’s orders I don’t feel sorry for him. This moment in the book changes the mood and the reader’s outlook on the characters.

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